A very comprehensive guideline on high-temperature water SCC testing has been developed by P. Andresen (and extensively reviewed by several other experts). This is a must to read for all newcomers to this field but also extremely useful for more experienced...
The meeting website for the next technical MEACTOS meeting (which is held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the ECG-COMON) with preliminary meeting information has opened.
Time is flying…the MEACTOS project consortium already has held its 2nd General Assembly together with a technical and ExCom meeting (on Oct 21-23, 2019, at JRC in Petten, NL). Thanks to the local host (JRC) it was another excellent event!
Detailed information for the upcoming MEACTOS General Assembly, technical and Executive Committeee meeting (which is held in conjunction with a NUGENIA TA4 meeting) is available: here. Hotel reservation cut-off date is September 23 and registration deadline is October...
The Nuclear Corrosion Summer School (NuCoSS-19) has been held this week (July 7 – 12, 2019) and was a great success with 37 attendees (25 students and 12 scientists or engineers) and 12 lecturers from 15 countries, even from outside Europe (Canada, South Korea...
Another technical meeting has been held at Hotel Berthelot, in Bucharest, Romania, following the annual meeting of the ECG-COMON. Important technical issues have been discussed.
PLEASE NOTE: Basically we are sold out! But because few attendees might have to step back due to visa issues, you can still register attendance via the form on the NuCoSS-19 site and you will be put on a waiting list (you don’t need to pay in advance yet) and notified...