
Information for the next MEACTOS project meetings is available

Detailed information for the upcoming MEACTOS General Assembly, technical and Executive Committeee meeting (which is held in conjunction with a NUGENIA TA4 meeting) is available: here. Hotel reservation cut-off date is September 23 and registration deadline is October...

A technical meeting has been held

Another technical meeting has been held at Hotel Berthelot, in Bucharest, Romania, following the annual meeting of the ECG-COMON. Important technical issues have been discussed.

NuCoSS-19 more or less ‘sold out’

PLEASE NOTE: Basically we are sold out! But because few attendees might have to step back due to visa issues, you can still register attendance via the form on the NuCoSS-19 site and you will be put on a waiting list (you don’t need to pay in advance yet) and notified...

EFC sponsors student grants for NuCoSS-19

The European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) will financially support students to attend the Nuclear Corrosion Summer School which is co-organised by the MEACTOS project. More information:

A MEACTOS Executive Committee meeting was held at CVR

On April 9 the Executive Committee of the MEACTOS project has met at CVR in Řež to discuss on some important tasks, mostly concerning the testing material specifications and procurement as well as about specimen manufacturing.

The 1st MEACTOS workshop has started

The first workshop of the MEACTOS project summarizing the state-of-the-art on crack initiation in LWR environments has started at VTT, Finland.

MEACTOS project started & website launched

The MEACTOS project has officially started and the website went online! Please pass by the project website regularily not to miss any interesting information! Looking forward to four exciting project years with many results and new insights…